Evelyn Ureña

I'm very sorry that I´m actually posting this late my description, it was supposed to be my first assignment on this new blog but things sometimes get a little complicated.
 I always live on the edges. On this occasion my mistake was publishing this first assignment on the wrong blog, I posted on 324 2019 1 blog, it was actually a nice description but I´m already used to have inconveniences on any situation of my live. 
I always try to prevent things happening to me but I´m also ready for the next step or to find a solution.

What to say about me, I´m very passionate, if I want something I work for it. I woke up at 5:00 am today to post this, I just wanted to give up and leave college but surrender is a very hard word for me, I´m not doing it again.

My name is Evelyn Urena, I have 2 kids, I´m married. My oldest daughter is 13 years old. I was 17 and pregnant which was a very difficult time, but here I´m time passed by and I´m dealing to success, to be a better person, to finish college and do a lot other things that I´m working very hard for. 

I work at Alorica as a supervisor for an important hotel chain, I really love my job and that project but I got my hands full. There a lot to do, is very exhausting to deal with grown people and have them to do the right thing on the phones.
my goals is to become a manager and at the same time to have a second job as a professor at my beloved UASD, teaching which I really love. 

Here you will find me every day at 5:00 am in the morning posting on the blog, doing my homework, not giving up.
I was able to participate on the protest is because I want for my country to make a change but what happened to me ? to my life, my day-to-day living. Changes needs to start by my innself first. 

Its time to stop procrastinating and blaming somebody else for what is going on in your life. 


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