Unit I: The Internet and Others Addictions
Regarding internet addictions, I could take many different approaches to deal with these issues, which are affecting a lot of people around the world. The development of technology has been focused on increasing access to information in a faster and more accurate way. As a result, we are overwhelmed with the amount of data that is bombarded to us, even when we are not looking for it.
I think that each of us has already developed a sort of fixation for social networks. Nevertheless, some people are hit every single day by many messages, emails due to their work. In my particular case, I surf the internet around fifty times per day. I use many different apps for my students to practice the English language. I got a bunch of emails, and the updates concerning our center are sent through WhatsApp. Because of this, I must be online all day long. However, as soon as I reach home, I try to get rid of my electronic devices for a while.
The difference between an internet addict and a person who requires to be connected is that the second one can enjoy life without being attached to the network. Addicts are not able to appreciate a family dinner, or even a class without checking their smartphone every two seconds. In this matter, from my point of view, most of my students, who are teenagers, are turning into addicts. I truly believe some of them need professional help such as therapy or support groups. Besides, children are growing with a greater amount of input than my learners. It makes me think that ten years from now, we won't have enough specialists to deal with all the social disorders that this bad habit is creating.
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