Unit 1
The internet and other addictions
To start the comment about this unit that for me is a
very important unit, because it talks about a big problem that is going on in
our society nowadays, and because of that I want to begin defining what is
addition from my point of view.
From my perspective, addiction is an uncontrollable habit
that a person has with the consumed or used of something, it could be surfing
on internet for several hours, googling, blogging, IM-img, alcohol, cocaine,
Now, I am going to talk about internet addiction, I think
someone could spend long hours surfing on internet and not necessarily that
person should be an addict, as long as it is that someone job. But if you spend
most of your time online and your fulfillment becomes limited to interaction on
a screen, then you are addicted.
So, if someone is addicted, in order to get help, that
person has to turn himself in to a support group or to a therapist, they can
help with any kind of addiction that a person might
Yeris Valdez Valdez
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