The Internet and Other Addictions

The Internet and Other Addictions 

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The internet addiction, as other addictions, can damage your mental and physical health; moreover, can destroy your social life. Just because you use the Internet a lot – watch a lot of YouTube videos, shop online frequently, or like to check social media does not mean you suffer from Internet Addiction Disorder. The trouble comes when these activities start to interfere with your daily life. Thus, when the use of internet interferes with your daily activities such as work, school, and even taking care of your child, it needs to be treated; and the first step to recover is to recognize that you have this addiction and that you need help. Signs and symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder may present themselves in both physical and emotional manifestations, such as depression, dishonesty, anxiety, isolation, loneliness, headache, insomnia, backache, etc. After realizing that you suffer from Internet Addiction, seeking professional help and participating in support groups can help you improve. In conclusion, do not ever feel bad if you are addicted to the internet; instead, look for some professional help and do different activities, especially outdoors activities to break the pattern.


  1. I do like your advice. Everybody should be aware about this, so internet users can be able to identify wether they are addicts or not. Even if they don’t feel they are, they should stop using Internet so much me try to do different activities to enjoy life.


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