The Bold and the Bashful

This unit was about two personality types, the bold and the bashful. Even though there are more personality types, these two seem to be more pervasive. If we define bold with synonyms, we would say that the people characterized with this personality type are extrovert, social, friendly, outgoing among others. On the other hand, if we describe bashful people in the same way, that would be totally otherwise: they are shy, introverted, standoffish, reserved and so forth. It seems that you are either one or the other, and there is not an apparent "middle point." But what about ambivert people? those "who exhibit qualities of both introversion and extroversion and can flip into either depending on their mood, context and goals?" They are also called "outgoing introverts", "antisocial extroverts" and "social introverts." This relatively "new" personality type proves that there is a middle point and your personality can change according to the circumstances or your mood. However, if you are too shy, you can become ambivert, so you can be extrovert when you need to be it, and vice versa.

Here's where I found the definition of ambivert: https:
Finally, here's a link to a personality test with 16 different personality types. Take the test and see what's yours ;)


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