Unit 4: The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point

The tipping point is an important moment, important changes in the country, countryside etc.

Coronavirus is an important tipping point now, it is affecting the world at this time, as we already know, that disease is changing our hobby, now we can't stay outside, many people are dying, and we can't travel or hug somebody, because we are scared of getting sick. That make me feel sick, because I am afraid, I want to hug my friend and go out, but I can't, I don't want to hurt someone, If I am getting sick and didn't know about it.
However, we need to be strong and work hand by hand, to save our life, we need to stay home, while Doctors are doing the best for us, they are sacrificing their self, the only thing that we need to do is watching our hands, do not touch our faces and stay home.


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