Unit IV. The Tipping Point

   The tipping point is a pivotal moment in which smaller changes or situations lead us to a significant condition or transformation in our life. It is considered as the period in which our life turns at all in a once. When it comes to human history, we have had many tipping points such as, becoming part of the industrial system and leaving behind the medieval culture, or the invention of the weel. Those were events that altered the course of history.

   Regarding our personal life, I found pretty interesting the work of Malcolm Gladwell, who has embraced the tipping point in one of his books, taking the idea of following a plan to achieve the development of the right design in the correct position, and with the appropriate people to generate a tipping point which can guide us to a better and unstoppable revolution in our life. In his book, he applied sociologist knowledge to find the means to raise the conditions needed for the tipping point of an idea, product, or phenomenon that once is accomplish wouldn't stop its journey. According to him, three variables would determine whether or when that priceless point will be accomplished, which are the Law of the few, the stickiness factor, and the power of factor.

   I think, the book presents a very productive approach concerning the tipping point since it can be adapted to our personal life in different fields, to understand the factors that can influence those crucial moments that can transform our lives for good.

If you want to read an overview of the book, just click the following link.


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The Tipping Point