
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

Workplace Privacy

What are privacy rights in the workplace? "Employee privacy rights are the rules that limit how extensively an employer can search an employee's possessions or person; monitor their actions, speech, or correspondence; and know about their personal lives, especially but not exclusively in the workplace."

Spiritual Renewal

                          How do I renew myself spiritually? There are many way of spiritual renewal, which have nothing to do with a Religion, life has a natural ebb and flow. How to come into contact with yourself, and go through a spiritual renewal everyday : 1. Exercise. Keep moving! 2  Focus on Positivism . 3. Get Enough Sleep and Hydrate. 4. Eat Better. 5. Remind Yourself of Successes (pamper yourself) 6. Socialize. 7. Avoid Negative surroundings. 8. Don't Wallow.

Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West

The philosophy of feng shui is a practice of looking at our living spaces and working environment and striking a balance with the natural world. The Chinese words "feng" and "shui" translate to mean “wind” and “water," respectively. This concept derived from an ancient poem that talks about human life being connected and flowing with the environment around it.
                                               WORKPLACE     PRIVACY     In these days, is very difficult  to keep privacy even with our personal  things like cell phone  cameras and social medias because there are many  problems like our  private information that we put it down in the apps that  we download.  There are some companies that require to their employees  to give them their social media in other way to be aware the things that they are doing when they are not working, this a clearly a violation of personal privacy.    
                                                                                           Spiritual renewal     This unit clearly speaks about MONASTERIES that are places occupied by communities around the world  such as monks(males) or nuns(females), who follow strict religious vows, or promises.Monasteries transcend cultural, national and religious boundaries.   They have a similar commitment,brotherly or sisterly love,harmony,prayer and commutual work. Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that  something more to being human than sensory experience, and the greater whole of which we are part of this divine nature.     9
           Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West     The Philosophy of Feng Shui is a practice of looking  at our living spaces and working environment  and strinking a balance  with  the natural world.The chinese words ''Feng'' and ''Shui'' traslade to mean ''Wind'' and ''Water,'' respectively. The concept derived from an ancient poem that talks about human life being connected and flowing with the environment around it.   Feng Shui is like an energy that connect us with our environment by meditation.                                                     
                                                             THE TIPPING POINT The tipping point is like a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change, for example: The fall of the berlin wall. The berlin"s wall was a simbol of division during 30 years (1961-1991) and his fall meant the conquest freedom, the tolerance and the humanity between families and neighbors. https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/junior-report/20191030/471292597858/caida-muro-berlin-fin-era.html

Unit 7: workplace privacy

workplace privacy is when employees are monitored by employers.  Employers use security cameras to know if employees are doing something wrong, employers can also monitor the activities of the employees using computers and electronic devices from the company. Some employees feel uncomfortable being watched all day, they feel that their privacy is being invaded.
Feng Shui This is my first time that I heard about Feng Shui, while a was reading about the topic, I surprised about many information that exist about this topic. The Feng shui is not only use by Asian people, this philosophy is use around the world also, there are teachers specialized who teach about it. If you want to start a life base on Feng Shui, read the following list: - Pink color represents love, romance and partnership. - Door should be painted red or orange. - You may begin painting your living room white  or blue. -  The good luck color for 2020 is white, gold and green. - Mirror represents  wealth and abundance. A big mirror can attract the energy of wealth. - Avoid the television in the bedroom. - There are specific colors for business.                                                         ...
Spiritual Renewal There are days that we don't understand what happening with us, but sometimes we feel overwhelmed about all in life. Once in a while, we need a spiritual Renewal in our lifes, being closer to God help us to have a new opportunity and new thoughts. It's very important renew the spirit of things that happend in the past, and open the mind to new things, as a human being we save our past in little box inside ourselves and that don't help to advance in life. Pray to God is a good way to keep going, even though prefer to talk with someone who try to understand what she or he is happening. I I know that is very difficult to believe in someone or something is good and can be trusted, that is faith. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the sign that the things not seen are true. In my opinion, I think that though the the spiritual Renewal is the best way to have different results. In conclusion faith fostered a sense of ...
                                                        The Tipping Point  Nowadays our tipping point is the Covid19, this virus has been spreading around the world and have affected millions of people, mental health, global economy and tourism. The depression and anxiety during covid19 have risen, this kind of topic is not mentioned during this time, and the numbers of people suffering of depression increased, as a part of a family we have to pay a attention to this and identify if one of our parents, siblings or sons are suffering of anxiety or depression. I advise  you to read, do exercises at home, eat fruits and drink enough water, that can prevent to overthink and have a good mental health. Do an schedule help you to have a productive day. Being honest, one of the most important things is take care of our family durin...
                                                 The Bold and the Bashful There are many attitudes that we don't learn just we grow practicing. Acording with some psychologist there are reason why people became shy. First, It’s an unpleasant feeling of self-consciousness is a fear of what some people believe others are thinking.  This fear can prohibit a person's ability to do or say what they want. It can also prevent the formation of healthy relationships. Second, shyness is often linked to low self-esteem. It may also be one of the causes of social anxiety. Problems that shyness presents: - People make misattributions - People think you are aloof - People have difficulty meeting people - Don't like to speak in public - Have difficulty to express feelings When I was a child I used to be very shy. I  couldn't able to speak in public...

Unit VII: Workplace Privacy

Workplace Privacy   In general, I think workplace privacy is when we work in a place in which is mandatory to keep your actual activities in secret, there are many companies that they are surveilling the employees for legal and security purposes. However I think that employees need their space, we can not concentrate with somebody's eyes on our backs, as the company that my boyfriend  works for, they are always keeping an eye on him, but he doesn't mind it, he always say: "I don't care about that" he does the best of him all the time. In conclusion, I think they need to be satisfied with how hard we do our job, but I know they don't care about it. 

Spiritual renewal

Spiritual renewal is when we change our old lives for a new ones to have a relationship with God and follow in the footsteps of Jesus to have peace.  To renew our spirit we only have to seek the presence of God. If we want something we only have to talk to God through prayer and have faith or make sarfices to God. Fasting is a sacrifice, fasting is when we don't eat anything in a certain time. If what we ask God is good, he will fulfill it. 

Workplace privacy

Nowaday majority places are surveillance  for video cameras. This has helped us to take care of the thief business, but excessive surveillance deprive us of our privacy. In all places there are surveillance camera but workplace they are excessive with this situation.  These until placing surveillance cameras in the bathrooms depriving employees of their privacy, although this has its advantages  let's us know who steals us or in accidents see how it was.

Spiritual renewal

These are  some sentences  with vocabularies Prophets: he is a Greek prophet. Divine: I feel a divine presence in my house. Fasting:  I m fasting for my mother's  health. Humility:  humility  is a value  that few possess. Hecty:   my brother has a hecty life for his work. Foster: I pray to foster my spirit. Refrain from:  my father refrain from eating and drinking when he is fasting. Replenish:   when  I pray and fast, I replenish my soul.
Feng shui   Before I didn't know what  Feng Shui  is . I believed it was only a Chinese superstition  about  soul and spirit  but now I understand  what is. It is a technique or art or science where objects or thing are locate correctly in house . Its objective is to create a positive influence and harmony. There are some elements for create a good environment in house are: light , colors, ornaments, plants  sounds,  windows and doors,  order between others.  The Feng shui has advanced in recent years,  and many countries use it and not only in home if not in business and hotels. 
The tipping point  A tipping point is a moment or situation change our life. A tipping point for me was when my child was born. This event change my life completely, because  it caused a lot of  happiness and sadness too. Happiness  because I become in mother,  and sadness because in the moment of my pregnancy was painful. I had a threat of abortion and I should have rested and I had to leave my job and my studies.  It was a twelve hour childbirth  very painful but all that is forgotten the moment  you see that I bring a child this world. 
The bold and the bashful  I consider myself how both little bashful and little bold person, because  sometimes I'm shy in some situations and bold in others. For example in a social event or party,  if there are people I don't know, it is difficult for me to talk them contrary when I'm with people I know very well,  I'm very bold person , always I'm active, how in my work, there I'm participating,  I give my opinions  and I contribute ideas make to better work . Although in others occasion  if I don't know person I'm first  in to talk about something.  For this  reason  I believe  I'm both bashful and bold person.

Workplace privacy

Workplace privacy Privacy in some jobs are null. Because the employees are monitored 24 hours. And the employees feel nervous and embarrassed with this situation, even though the employees want to work and do a better job but it makes a bit difficult for them. Know that you are being monitored and any mistake mande will be seen so that the employees work under pressure. For me it is not ethical that employees are monitored. If you have a emergency you can't make a phone call, you can't take a break because you're being watched that is frustrated. This I my opinion. However , having a surveillance camera in a company is not totally bad because it can take care of a possible Rob , an extortion or abuse. And if it happens then with the camera you will have the evidence. That is the positive way having a surveillance camera at work is not only at work  but also in a house.

An essay to share.

Internet and other addictions. Introduction Addictions?!!, What are you talking about ?!, I’m not an addict. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, it is just coffee. I’m just surfing the net, etc. Whenever we talk about addictions or talking to an addicts their first answer is NO, that they are not addicts. On this essay, I will develop this topic and also some investigations about different addictions and also an interview that I will do to my little sister which she is a drug addict.   It is sad for me to say that she is an addict, behind every addict there is a story, I will develop this topic explaining about my sister’s addiction, how she got it and what is she doing to get rid of that drug addiction. Addictions are not only difficult for the person suffering or maybe enjoy the addiction, but it also affects their families. On this essay, you will have a better understanding of the side effects of addictions, what are the negative effects that cause to so...

Unit 7: Workplace Privacy

Unit 7: Workplace Privacy I would like to share some images that illustrate the content of this unit, Workplace Privacy.           In my opinion, I have not worked for any dominican company yet. I have worked in the summer work in the United States, so based on my personal experience,  I think that we, employees, do not have privacy in the workplace since we are always being supervised by cameras, supervisors, even in the break time. They are always monitoring us. I understand that employers should make sure we are doing our job well, but I also think that we should have more privacy in the workplace.